The High-Carbohydrate Diet is Associated With All Kinds of Bad Effects

The high carbohydrate diet popular today is not a balanced diet.

Dr. Jan Carlson, one of the original developers of the carbohydrate-loading system that is very popular with athletes today, has argued strongly against a high-carbohydrate diet as a regular daily regimen.

He claims that such a diet is only acceptable for up to two to four days as part of a muscle glycogen and carbohydrate loading program.

Of course, if the body were adapted to fat, then there would be no need to load glycogen at all, but this point is overlooked by everyone.

The carbohydrate-rich diet that leads to muscle glycogen loading has been widely accepted since the late 1960s as an important method of preparing for sports and resistance training.

However, the nutritional program would only be applied occasionally. Unfortunately, it has become a long-term treatment program and has been used not only by elite cross-country skiers and cross-country runners, but also by professional athletes in many different sports.

Even international organizations like the International Olympic Committee Medical Committee have recommended a high carbohydrate diet for athletes.

Dr. Carlson stated that these long-term diets are synonymous with poor nutrition. Intake of lipophilic nutrients such as vitamin E has been shown to be linearly related to fat intake.

There are other risks associated with this high carb diet if it is followed for a long time. In fact, this diet means that people can sacrifice structural fats (fats) for energy needs.

Vitamin K and vitamin E are important factors for white blood cell health. They are the cells richest in antioxidants and therefore stimulate the immune system. Significant suppression of the immune system is a possible consequence of a reduced fat intake in the diet and the consequent use of an individual’s fat stores for energy.

Athletes, who consume large amounts of carbohydrates and therefore reduce their intake of fatty or lipophilic nutrients, find themselves in a condition known as carbohydrate trap syndrome or carbohydrate trap.

The High-Carbohydrate Diet is Associated With All Kinds of Bad Effects


It seems reasonable to assume that this condition has:

* Reduces the elimination of free radicals and causes muscle damage

* Increased cell damage

* The body’s inflammation and healing process is inhibited in response to injury and infection.

* Athletes who practice strenuous training and follow a high-carbohydrate diet suffer overtraining injuries due to a poor ability to repair and rebuild damaged tissues.

* Vegetarians and other people who follow a low-fat diet are also at high risk for the same type of damage.

People with excessive energy needs, such as athletes and those who do manual jobs, must be very careful about the sources of their daily food intake.

If carbohydrate-rich foods become an important source of energy, the risk of food shortages increases.

Fats contain many essential nutrients that we need every day to maintain our health. As I have suggested for many years, a low-fat diet is dangerous.

Sports medicine authorities have recently recognized the existence of a carbohydrate trap or lipophobia. The carbohydrate trap represents a stage of malnutrition imposed by unprofessional counselors and followed by unconscious and uninformed clients.

This is one of the main difficulties of today’s nutrition: focusing on a low-fat diet rather than a diet that maintains an adequate amount of fat.

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